Consider God in These Seven Ways

God is an unknown Source that we cannot define. God has created everything, and continuously creates in all spheres of existence. When God remembers and interacts with its creations, the Spirit of God is considered to be active.

Everything that exists is a manifestation of God, but everything is not God, only an aspect of God in worldly form.

God is not a Being unless you believe God is, in which case you will experience God that way through spiritual communications, visions, and events. This is a valid belief, and so forming and maintaining a relationship with God is necessary and can be beneficial.

God as Source creates objects and events without conscious willful volition. It is karma, or the law of consequences, that explains the manner in which God as Spirit creates. God does not micro-manage, but instead reality reaches a “tipping point” and manifests as preternaturally determined.

God exists within everything and everybody in varying degrees, and in different ways. If you recognize this within yourself you will be guided by God, and will rejoice in doing God’s work in God’s way.

Submitting to, obeying, and serving God results in the paradoxical outcome of liberation and one lives a life of faith awareness. All of one’s spiritual needs are met, one’s life and the world are experienced as perfect, and love is ever-present.

If enlightened this way, you and God are One, and your awareness is of divinely creating the universe.

2021.08.16 revision of “Reconsider God in These Seven Ways”

One thought on “Consider God in These Seven Ways

  1. There can be only one : POEM

    There can be only one
    Creator under the Sun.
    One, of a trillion Stars,
    where the planet Mars

    is on our doorstep; the One,
    whatever our color or tongue,
    Source of life unites us all,
    when in prayer we call,

    with pure heart, suspend thought,
    in all religions we are taught
    the Divine resides within us all
    if we allow our souls to call,

    collect, our spirits in one voice
    Peace on Earth, is our choice.

    Copyright Lawrence Klein 2011


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